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I am planning a large event and have had the opportunity to establish many new vendor relationships. This past week was particularly busy. Earlier today I was reflecting on some of the meetings I have had and how some businesses are very trustworthy and accountable and others, well let’s say, not so much. I have some simple, common sense advice on building trustworthy relationships in business for people who run small businesses or participate in the management of large ones.

1. Keep your word: If you say you will return a phone call, return it. If you schedule an appointment, keep it.

2. Listen to your customer’s needs: If you can’t meet those needs, don’t waste your time or theirs.

3. Be respectful: Return phone calls promptly. Be on time for meetings.

4. Be timely: Don’t make customers wait to hear back from you so they question whether you are still “engaged”.

5. Make it easy: Make sure your website and online ordering capabilities don’t turn customers away.

6. Make sure your advertising claims are accurate.

7. Anticipate needs in advance: Be proactive, not reactive. Address the questions the customer may not know (or forget) to ask.

8. Keep it simple: Do the hard work and make it easy for the customer.

9.Tell the truth: If you can’t meet a deadline or fill an order, be honest.

10. Engage with your customer: End every meeting and phone call with a simple question, “Is there any other way I can help you?”

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the Executive Director of Trust Across America (


Our first blog interview was conducted with Charlie Green who provided some excellent responses to the following questions. The complete interview can be read at: Complete Interview

1) Tell us a bit about your background, qualifications and expertise.
2) Trust Across America’s mission is to rebuild trustworthy behavior in America, starting with public companies. How would you generally define trustworthy behavior?
3) What are some of the specific components of trustworthy behavior in your opinion?
4) We all know that the erosion of trust is a big problem in corporate America. What are companies doing to combat this, and is it enough?
5) Is the “trust” climate in corporate America improving or worsening? What actions will turn things around?
6) Can you provide a few examples of companies that are doing the “right” thing in your opinion? What steps are being taken by these companies?

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1. Trust is built over time but the process can be accelerated by acting in a beyond reproach manner.

2. Trust begets trust. Keep keeping your word.

3. If you want someone to trust you, show that you trust them first.

4. If someone says “trust me”, run as fast as you can.

5. It takes much more effort to rebuild trust than it does to build it the first time.

6. When in doubt, keep testing the trust (“Trust but verify”).

7. Trust is the union of many guiding principles including ethics, transparency, accountability and integrity.

8. Leaders, employees and customers control the public’s perception of trust in every business.

9. Trustworthiness can be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively, and while there will always be a margin for error, there is also always room for improvement.

10. As Charles Green at likes to say “Trust your dog with your life, but not with your ham sandwich”. This applies to people as well.

Barbara Kimmel is the Executive Director of Trust Across America, a program of Next Decade, Inc. For more information please visit and listen in on our weekly radio show called Trust Across America at:

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