
Archive for May 17th, 2010


Our first blog interview was conducted with Charlie Green who provided some excellent responses to the following questions. The complete interview can be read at: Complete Interview

1) Tell us a bit about your background, qualifications and expertise.
2) Trust Across America’s mission is to rebuild trustworthy behavior in America, starting with public companies. How would you generally define trustworthy behavior?
3) What are some of the specific components of trustworthy behavior in your opinion?
4) We all know that the erosion of trust is a big problem in corporate America. What are companies doing to combat this, and is it enough?
5) Is the “trust” climate in corporate America improving or worsening? What actions will turn things around?
6) Can you provide a few examples of companies that are doing the “right” thing in your opinion? What steps are being taken by these companies?

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