
Archive for May 22nd, 2010


I am planning a large event and have had the opportunity to establish many new vendor relationships. This past week was particularly busy. Earlier today I was reflecting on some of the meetings I have had and how some businesses are very trustworthy and accountable and others, well let’s say, not so much. I have some simple, common sense advice on building trustworthy relationships in business for people who run small businesses or participate in the management of large ones.

1. Keep your word: If you say you will return a phone call, return it. If you schedule an appointment, keep it.

2. Listen to your customer’s needs: If you can’t meet those needs, don’t waste your time or theirs.

3. Be respectful: Return phone calls promptly. Be on time for meetings.

4. Be timely: Don’t make customers wait to hear back from you so they question whether you are still “engaged”.

5. Make it easy: Make sure your website and online ordering capabilities don’t turn customers away.

6. Make sure your advertising claims are accurate.

7. Anticipate needs in advance: Be proactive, not reactive. Address the questions the customer may not know (or forget) to ask.

8. Keep it simple: Do the hard work and make it easy for the customer.

9.Tell the truth: If you can’t meet a deadline or fill an order, be honest.

10. Engage with your customer: End every meeting and phone call with a simple question, “Is there any other way I can help you?”

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the Executive Director of Trust Across America (