
Archive for December 11th, 2010


Mark Your Calendars for Our Holiday Festival of Trust December 22


Join Barbara and Jordan Kimmel, the co-founders of Trust Across America, for a “virtual eggnog” on Trust Across America radio from noon to 1 PM EST on December 22.

This will be a fun filled hour with surprises and gifts. We will unveil our new website, bring you up to date on our programs, and count down the “Top 10 Companies in Trustworthy Business Behavior for 2010.”

And as a way of saying “Thank you” to our supporters, we will be giving away lots of books and “Trust Across America™ logo products. All you need to do is email us a question or comment about our programs that you would like us to address during the show (send questions or comments before December 20) and we will enter your name to win a prize.

Please email:

(US address must be supplied to receive a prize).

A quick run down on what’s going on at Trust Across America is provided below:

Week of December 12-Launch of new website at

December 22-Release of “Top 10 Most Trustworthy Companies” on Trust Across America Radio (noon-1PM EST)

December 29-Release of “Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior” at

January 2011

Company Trust Audits and Sector/Industry Reports Become Available at

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