
Archive for April 17th, 2012



Trust Across America™, a think tank and communications program dedicated to unraveling the complexities of trustworthy business behavior, today announced its participation as a founding member of BEST! Business Excellence through Sustainable Trust. Barbara Kimmel, Executive Director states:

“We are living through a crisis of trust in organizations and many of today’s news channels are stuck on one channel . . . what is wrong in corporate America. BEST! – a collaborative media-based program showcasing best practices in building and maintaining trust ‑ will draw public attention to what is right –– with the goal of restoring trust in business, and combating the often misplaced perception of systemic corporate greed.”


BEST! is a “by invitation” program that leverages a voluntary fraternity of well-respected media organizations to collaboratively disseminate articles about corporate leadership, innovation and success ‑ to a guaranteed audience. We want to showcase role models for other companies to emulate.


The founding members of BEST! reach an audience of millions through their websites, media outreach and social networking. Companies selected to participate as BEST! members will be guaranteed coverage to this wide audience. Additional media are expected to join as the program expands in scope and awareness.




Ethical Markets Media



Trust Across America

Trusted Advsior Associates

Triple Pundit

Voice America Radio


Trust Across America (TAA) is a program of Next Decade, Inc., an award-winning firm that has been unraveling and simplifying complex subjects for over 20 years. TAA provides a framework for public companies to improve trustworthy business practices through detailed individual company reports, industry and sector analyses, and an index of its data. TAA also provides a variety of media opportunities to highlight companies and leaders exhibiting high levels of trust and integrity.


For more information on this topic please visit

To schedule an interview with Barbara Kimmel, please call (908) 879-6625 or email