
Archive for December 8th, 2012


It seems like business leaders may finally be waking up to the importance of trust as as a brand/company asset.

This week we heard from Sheryl Connolly Ford’s Futurist, about the increasing value of trust as the “new black”, and from Cheryl Guerin Senior Vice President at Mastercard, positing that trust is an advantage for established companies.

Amen ladies! Perhaps it’s the Sheryls/Cheryls of the world, or female business leaders for that matter, who are about to turn the “trust” switch to the “on” position as a management tool that should not be ignored.  Trust is measurable and companies that embrace it as a business tool reap the rewards. Trust Across America has been preaching this, to a growing audience, for quite some time.

Let’s just hope that companies are genuinely waking up to the importance of stakeholder trust, rather than using trust as the latest “in” buzzword.


What do you think?


Barbara Kimmel, Executive Director

Trust Across America

The Steward of Trust for 2013

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