
Archive for December 14th, 2012


Basic human decency- has it disappeared? It certainly seems that way- and perhaps this is why trustworthy business behavior has too.

My holiday wish for all of you is to consider the following professional business practices and share them with your team, every month beginning in January.  Together we can begin to rebuild human decency in 2013 and collectively elevate the level of trust in business. Naïve? – Maybe, but certainly worth a try.

January–  Promises: If you make a promise, keep it.

FebruaryBehavior: Practice what you preach.

MarchAccountability: If you say you are going to do something, follow through.

AprilObligations: If you owe someone money, pay them. Don’t hide behind your legal department.

MayIntegrity: If you are told something in confidence, don’t betray it.

JuneTeamwork: Have your colleague’s back.

JulyRespect:  Be on time for the meeting or the phone call.

AugustHonor: Your handshake should be worth as much as a written contract.

SeptemberHumility:  Be humble. Don’t brag about how much money you make and all the toys you bought with it.

OctoberSocial Responsibility: Practice good corporate social responsibility regardless of whether a “program” is in place to do it.

NovemberSelflessness: Think of others before yourself.

DecemberTrust:  Don’t forget that trustworthy business is not about quarterly earnings and international expansion, but rather about “doing the right thing.”

Barbara Kimmel, Executive Director

Trust Across America


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