
Archive for March 10th, 2013


Once upon a time, in the land of gardens, also known as New Jersey, a somewhat small “Jersey Girl” named Barbara (Barb to her good friends) had a rather tall vision to change the world, or at least the conversation.  Barb believed that if she could increase the dialogue around trust, particularly in business, it would spring eternal- similar to Jersey’s blueberries- and the trust crisis would subside.

And so Barb began to knock on the doors of corporate America (and businesses in lands far away) to politely inquire about trustworthy business practices. Oddly, the response was not what she expected to hear. “We are big business. We are trustworthy. We are beating our quarterly earnings and expanding globally. We give to charities. The trust crisis is not out problem. You are just one person named Barb from NJ. Go away with your “soft words.”  Go knock somewhere else.”

And so she did because Barb had changed her middle name from Jane to “Tenacity” right around the same time that she turned 39 for the third year in a row. She knocked and knocked and did not give up until the right people started to listen-and even offered to help. And then she came up with an idea- if one rather small woman from NJ could get some “trust lovin’”, imagine how much 100 men and women, or 1000, or even a million could attract? And so she started a movement- A Campaign for Trust, and she invited everyone who didn’t slam the door to join her-  (except the mainstream media because they are still stuck on bad news)!

And in a few months, eyebrows around the world began to “raise” as did the roster of alliance members, almost 200 from 13 countries and counting. Men and women from academia, consulting, the “alternative” media, and even a few from “big business” (including some CEO’s) signed up to help. They weren’t exactly sure what “signing up” meant, but they trusted Barb enough to know they wanted to be part of this particular movement- because without trust, what else really matters?

Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution? Do you want to learn more about what Barb and the band of “trustnicks” are up to?

Read more about our alliance here.


PS- Barb’s teenage son cautions about trying to be funny about trust. It’s a serious subject. Barb disagrees. She thinks trust can be funny and fun, and serious too! What do you think? Email her at

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