
Archive for January 1st, 2014


Leadership Road Sign

January is Trustworthy Leadership Month

according to Trust Across America’s


2014 Calendar



A culture of trust cannot exist with an untrustworthy leader.

Trustworthy behavior must start at the top and flow down through every manager in any organization.



Over the next 52 weeks, you can build trust in your organization by thinking about, discussing and following the advice of the experts. These are the suggestions for the 5 weeks in January.


Week 1: Cultivate trust by deepening the conversation. Patricia Aburdene @PatriciaAburdene

Week 2: Employees learn to trust when leaders provide adequate information about decisions they’re making. Andy Atkins @InteractionAsc 

Week 3: What new or enhanced behaviors will you commit to practice to engender trust? William Benner

Week 4: Without trust, people give up on relationships and leave organizations. Ken Blanchard  @KenBlanchard

Week 5: Trust, like culture,  begins and ends at the very top. Andrea Bonime-Blanc @GlobalEthicist


Please share your comments and suggestions! Email:

Barbara Brooks Kimmel, Executive Director, Trust Across America – Trust Around the World

Editor  Trust Inc. Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset

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