
Archive for January 31st, 2014






February is Leadership Transformation Month

according to Trust Across America’s


2014 Calendar



Productivity and execution begin when the leader creates a set of values and goals that are shared, accepted and adopted by all stakeholders.

Leaders must regularly communicate with stakeholders about the steps being taken to build trustworthy behavior within the organization.

Leaders must not confuse trust with compliance. The latter is situational. The former is not!

During the  52 weeks of 2014 you can build trust in your organization by thinking about, discussing and following the advice of the experts. Here are the suggestions for the 4 weeks in February 2014.

Week 1: A person “like yourself” is now trusted nearly two times as much as a CEO or government official. Ben Boyd, Edelman

Week 2: When deciding whom to trust remember this, people who will lie for you will lie to you. Lea Brovedani

Week 3: When I trust you, I empower you to influence me.  Elaine Cohen, Beyond Business Ltd.

Week 4: When achieved, organizational trust is validated externally in corporate reputation and performance. Mark Coleman, Convergence Mitigation Management


Please share your comments and suggestions! Email:

Barbara Brooks Kimmel, Executive Director, Trust Across America – Trust Around the World

Editor  Trust Inc. Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset

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