
Archive for June 24th, 2021



Trust Across America-Trust Around the World

announces its Most Trustworthy Public Companies 2021


Published annually in June via our Corporate Integrity Monitor, these are a few highlights from our current rankings:

  1. This is our 11th year tracking and publicly reporting on the trustworthiness of the largest public companies.
  2. Our proprietary model called the FACTS® Framework is used to analyze companies and create the rankings.
  3. Companies do not participate in our research nor do we receive compensation.
  4. This year we are reporting on the S&P 500. Microsoft is the highest ranked company to receive recognition.
  5. Since the financial crisis of 2008 FACTS® scores have remained relatively flat. This year 36% of companies in the S&P 500 received a failing grade below 60%.
  6. This year our “Top 10” companies have an average score of 76.4%.
  7. The 10 companies comprise 6 of 16 business sectors.
  8. Five of the 2021 “Top 10” were also honored in 2020.
  9. The “Top 10” companies have an average of 36.7% women on the Board, up from 33% in 2020.
  10. Five of the ten CEOs have MBAs and have been in their current position for 5 years or more.



Our research is, by order of magnitude, the most comprehensive and fact-based ongoing study of the trustworthiness of public companies. We perform a quarterly analysis and rank order by company, sector and market capitalization.

Our 2020 announcement can be accessed at this link. As of June 19, these companies collectively produced a 27.67% return to investors in approximately one year

For more information contact Barbara Kimmel, CEO, Trust Across America-Trust Around the World

Copyright 2021, Next Decade, Inc.

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