
Posts Tagged ‘Allan Ishac’


I remember 911 as if it were yesterday. 

I know I’m not alone.


FreedomTowerCopyright 2014 Next Decade, Inc.

(photo credit to Barbara Brooks Kimmel)


It was not my intent to write a post about 9/11’s impact on trust, but yesterday afternoon serendipity paid a visit.

I  received a copy of an article  An Ominous Trade Center Beacon that appeared in the NY Times on September 4, written by Allan Ishac (who tweets @ElfieMuse) a college classmate and friend, who is also an accomplished writer. Allan drove a Volkswagen Beetle back in “the day” and I remember that as if it were yesterday too.

Allan has given me permission to reprint the text below, with full attribution to it’s original coverage in the NY Times.


Dear Diary:

If I lie on my living room couch facing south, I have an unobstructed, perfectly framed view of the new 1 World Trade Center, 30 blocks away.

This is exactly the same view I had of the old 1 World Trade Center – known as the north tower – that was destroyed on Sept. 11.

The new building, like the old, is masted with a huge telecommunications antenna, flashing a red aircraft warning light at night.

The red strobe on the earlier tower cycled lazily, like the slowly rotating lamp of a coastal lighthouse. When I couldn’t sleep at night, I’d leave my bed and move to the couch to gaze at the strobe until I got drowsy. The old beacon seemed to say: “I’m here. All is well. Go back to bed.”

The new strobe pulsates more quickly, with a sense of added urgency. There is nothing calming or comforting about it. It communicates a different message: “Stay alert. Proceed with caution. All eyes to the skies.”

Some might argue that 9/11 was the beginning of the end of societal trust. It certainly ushered in a new era. We became a different country that day. One where trust can no longer be taken for granted.

My thoughts are with those who experienced loss on that day.

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the Executive Director of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust. She is also the editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

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Should you wish to communicate directly with Barbara, drop her a note at

Copyright © 2014, Next Decade, Inc.


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