
Archive for the ‘Articles written by experts’ Category




Is Gender Diversity Profitable? That’s the title of a recent study published by The Peterson Institute. In its introductory abstract the study states: Analysis of a global survey of 21,980 firms from 91 countries suggests that the presence of women in corporate leadership positions may improve firm performance.

Trust Across America-Trust Around the World is encouraged by this research and employed it as a steppingstone for a study to test the following hypothesis:

Does the percentage of women on boards positively impact the trustworthiness of public companies, and therefore, their performance?

Our methodology:

Our *FACTS® Framework data served as the basis to analyze the 5-year average FACTS® score for the Top 50 and Bottom 50 companies in the S&P 500.

We then matched the 100 companies (50 top and 50 bottom) to publicly available board composition data from the 2020 Women on Boards Gender Diversity Directory. For those unfamiliar with this program, the goal of 2020 Women on Boards is to increase the percentage of women on US company boards to 20% or greater by the year 2020. Women currently hold 18.8% of Board seats up from 14.6% in 2011.

Initial observations:

50 Most Trustworthy Public Companies

  • An average of 23% women on boards
  • Thirty companies above 20% women on boards, twenty below 20%
  • In this 100-company universe Dr. Pepper Snapple Group had the highest percentage (44%) of women on boards.

50 Least Trustworthy Public Companies

  • An average of 16.3% of women on boards or 43% lower than the Top 50 companies
  • Twenty companies above 20% women on boards, thirty below 20%
  • Four companies in the Bottom 50 had no women on their boards.

A few notable early findings:

Eight of the most trustworthy companies in our survey are in the financial services sector, often cited as one of the least trustworthy sectors. Of the eight, only JP Morgan Chase & Co. had less than 20% of women on their Board.

Nine of the least trustworthy companies are also in the financial services sector. Only one of the nine has a female board composition of over 20%.

This is why we like to say “Industry is not destiny.”

*Our FACTS® Framework

  • Measures the trust “worthiness” of over 2000 public companies
  • Across 16 sectors
  • Over a period of 6+ years (since 2010)
  • Including five quantitative indicators of trustworthy business behavior
  • An audited portfolio performance track record vs. the S&P 500 is available for the period February 2013 to February 2016.
  • Portfolio returns as follows: FACTS® returned 80% above S&P 500; FACTS® annualized 16.7% vs. S&P 500 9%

While our initial study supports The Peterson Institute’s findings, the hypothesis can only be proven, or disproven, with a more detailed analysis covering years of historical data and information. Further findings will be reported in the spring research issue of TRUST! Magazine scheduled for publication in late April and distributed at no cost to our Trust Alliance members.


Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO and Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust. Now in its sixth year, the program’s proprietary FACTS® Framework ranks and measures the trustworthiness of over 2000 US public companies on five quantitative indicators of trust. Barbara is also the editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine.





Copyright © 2016, Next Decade, Inc.

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It’s Week #9 of 2016. This is our latest article in a series of  ideas to elevate trust in your organization, drawn from our 3rd annual 2016 Trust Poster….now hanging in hundreds of offices around the world. Get yours today!

52 Ideas That You Can Implement to Build Trust

Bill George one of our 2016 Top Thought Leaders in Trust, and a Lifetime Achievement Award winner offers this:

“Encourage risk-taking and celebrate “good failures” as opportunities to learn and move forward.”

Think of the most challenging moment in your life. Perhaps it was a time when a loved one passed away, or you had a personal health crisis. Whatever it was, it was a period of crisis for you — but also a moment that caused you to reflect deeply on who you are and what is truly important in your life.

Risk-taking helps us bump into these moments. Often, people avoid risks because they fear failure. But, failing doesn’t mean “you’re a failure” unless you allow it to. The best leaders reflect on their mistakes and learn from them. What separates people who learn from their mistakes from people who don’t? It’s all about their mindset.

In my HBS class “Authentic Leadership Development,” one of the survivors of the famous 1972 plane crash speaks about the importance of reframing failure. He shares the metaphor of the oyster pearl. When sand grates against the oyster, its natural reaction is to cover up the irritant to protect itself with a substance called nacre (mother-of-pearl), which eventually forms the pearl itself.

Celebrating “good failures” helps us turn difficult moments into pearls and builds trust. At IBM in the 1960s, an employee made a mistake that cost the company $10 million. When the employee spoke to the CEO, Tom Watson Sr., he expected to be fired. Watson replied, “Are you serious? We just spent $10 million educating you!” Acts like these help your team learn from their mistakes. Even more important, they make others feel comfortable taking risks.

With all of life’s uncertainties, we need to accept what life brings us and to use each experience as an opportunity for personal growth. If we do, we’ll encourage positive risk-taking. As Sven-Goran Eriksson put it, “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”

Thank you Bill. We hope our readers heed your advice.

It’s not too late to catch up on our weekly series…..

Week #1 Kouzes & Posner 

Week #2 Bob Vanourek

Week #3 Barbara Kimmel

Week #4 Mark Fernandes

Week #5 Doug Conant

Week #6 Roger Steare

Week #7 Nan Russell

Week #8 Stephen M.R. Covey

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO and Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust. Now in its sixth year, the program’s proprietary FACTS® Framework ranks and measures the trustworthiness of over 2000 US public companies on five quantitative indicators of trustworthy business behavior. Barbara is also the editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.


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Last night was a “late night” in the office so I was surprised when the phone rang at 9:00 PM.

Trust Buster #1: A business call after normal business hours raises immediate red flags.

The caller ID announced “Private.”

Trust Buster #2: A legitimate business would identify the name of their company, providing the recipient with information about the caller.

The call went  to voicemail and this was what I heard from the female robo caller.

Trust Buster #3: A legitimate business would never expect another business person to answer or listen to a robo call.

The robot said “Hi this is Cheryl from XYZ Roofing.” Not “Hi Barbara”

Trust Buster #4: A legitimate business would know the party’s name or the business name that it was calling and would address the party appropriately. 

The message went on to say: “Someone from your office called to get an estimate on a new roof. We will have an estimator in your area next week and just need a little more information. Please call this number so we can schedule an appointment.

Trust Buster #5: A legitimate business would never lie to attract new business… and this message was an outright lie. Nobody in my office had called about a new roof.

The sad part of this story is simply that the owner of XYZ Roofing signed off on this sales pitch campaign as a good idea. What was that person thinking? If a business owner lies to get his/her foot in the door, nothing they say after the lie should ever be believed.

People want to do business with other people they trust. Businesses want to do business with other businesses they trust. Very simply, trust is not built through lies and deception.

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust and integrity. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.

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It’s Week #7 of 2016. This is our latest article in a series of  ideas to elevate trust in your organization, drawn from our 3rd annual 2016 Trust Poster….now hanging in offices of hundreds of organizations around the world that have placed trust on their business agenda.

52 Ideas That You Can Implement to Build Trust

Nan Russell a Trust Alliance Member and one of our 2016 Top Thought Leaders in Trust, offers this:

Be very good at what you do. Competence is a litmus test for believability.

Look around any organization and you’ll see trust. There is some division, department, work unit, or team where people shine, ideas flourish, and exceptional work is achieved. We can all learn from these trust-pockets, and the formal and informal leaders who ignite that trust. Their trust-enhancing behaviors go beyond the basics starting with their competence. They’re very good at what they do. Content may be king on the internet, but competence is king at work. People trust people who consistently deliver.

Competence is a litmus test for believability. No believability – no credibility. No credibility – no trust. Competence builds performance trust. Performance trust is the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request. Some call it integrity, some walk-the-talk; others openness and honesty or accountability. In many ways, performance trust is a result of all of these, but competence is its starting point. People want to follow, and give their trust, to those who do what they say they can do, do it well, and enable and engage others’ strengths along the way.

How many readers took took the earlier advice offered in our Weekly series?

Week #1 Kouzes & Posner 

Week #2 Bob Vanourek

Week #3 Barbara Kimmel

Week #4 Mark Fernandes

Week #5 Doug Conant

Week #6 Roger Steare

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust and integrity. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.

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Is the notion of organizational trust as an intentional business strategy moving beyond the “talk” stage?

Back in 2013 the World Economic Forum published their Leadership, Trust & Performance Equation paper with several partners including Edelman and PwC. Fast forward to 2016 and the subject of building trust again appeared on the agenda at Davos, this time with four recommendations on how to accomplish this: Action, Values, Employee Advocacy and Engagement. Sounds like the beginning of a plan.

PwC published its own 2013 report Measuring and Managing Total Impact. These are just a few of its “trust sound bytes (note that this report also originated from Europe):

Consumers are becoming ever more environmentally and socially conscious, especially younger ones: they want to know more than ever about the products and services they use and who they buy them from. 

It is becoming impossible for companies to operate behind closed doors, so transparency is the new paradigm for conducting business successfully.

Reputation management: more open dialogue with stakeholders can improve business reputation (for example, by building trust and reinforcing the licence to operate) whereas “closed” businesses that fail to embrace new ways to communicate could be adversely affected (for example, if they are implicated in environmental damage or species extinction, tax avoidance or poor labour standards).

Clearly, businesses have to satisfy their shareholders’ demands. But, as we have seen, achieving this increasingly depends on their ability to meet the ever more exacting expectations of a broader set of stakeholders, stretching from customers, employees and suppliers to politicians, environmental groups and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs).

This is prompting some business leaders to consider how best to tell their own story, not just that required by legislation.

Looking forward, with trust at an all-time low, business must recognise that it is already operating in new conditions where society’s expectations are quite different and the need to rebuild trust is irrefutable. In particular, it needs to explain its purpose and manage its impact, not only through its direct operations, but also across its entire value chain, including all its stakeholders. This heightens the value of impact measurement as a means to better understand, demonstrate and manage its role and contribution to society.

And more recently PwCs own trust research and insights blog began writing a series of topical articles.

I think it’s good news that these large global organizations are, at a minimum engaging in a discussion about elevating trust in business. But four ongoing challenges remain:

  • Whether they are able to take the discussion to the implementation phase.
  • Whether all the organizations (PwC & WEF are just two of many) are willing to set their own personal agendas aside and combine all their resources to solve one of the most critical business issues of our time.
  • Whether leadership in public companies recognizes the need to adopt organizational trust (which extends way beyond sustainability, corporate responsibility and “giving back”) as an intentional holistic business strategy and are willing to make the long-term changes required to do so.
  • Whether PwC, the WEF and other organizations see the value in opening their closed door discussions by bringing the “right” people to the table, those with expertise and first hand experience in organizational trust, culture, engagement, ethics, compliance, leadership, Board composition, etc.

What do you think? Is progress being made or are we permanently stuck in “talk.”

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust and integrity. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.




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It’s Week #6 of 2016. This is our latest article in a series of  ideas to elevate trust in your organization, drawn from our 3rd annual 2016 Trust Poster….now hanging in offices of hundreds of organizations around the world who have placed trust on their business agenda.

52 Ideas That You Can Implement to Build Trust

Professor Roger Steare, also known as The Corporate Philosopher, a Trust Alliance Member from the UK, and one of our 2016 Top Thought Leaders in Trust, offers this:

Leaders can create a culture of trust by helping people feel valued, respected and heard in every meeting, huddle or call.

After working with leaders in many organizations across the world for 15 years, it has become clear to me that large-scale, “boil the ocean”, change programs fail because we do not experience leadership, culture and trust at large scale, we experience it locally in the here and now. Who your local manager is, their character, their values and their behavior are more likely to inspire you or de-motivate you than any messaging you get from the center. So as a leader, we lead locally with our teams. Focus on creating a safe, open climate for debate and constructive dissent. To create trust in your organization, treat your colleagues as mature, responsible grown-ups rather than children or compliant robots.

How many readers took took the earlier advice offered in our Weekly series?

Week #1 Kouzes & Posner 

Week #2 Bob Vanourek

Week #3 Barbara Kimmel

Week #4 Mark Fernandes

Week #5 Doug Conant

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust and integrity. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.





Have you ever seen Trusted Advisor Associates Trust Equation? I’ve pulled it directly from their website with permission from Charles H. Green, a Trust Alliance member and one of our Lifetime Achievement Award Winners.

The Trust Equation uses four objective variables to measure trustworthiness. These four variables are best described as: Credibility, Reliability, Intimacy and Self-Orientation.

We combine these variables into the following equation:

TQ stands for Trust Quotient. The Trust Quotient is a number — like your IQ or EQ — that benchmarks your trustworthiness against the four variables.

In my opinion, and maybe Charlie’s too, nothing busts trust faster than a high denominator. All the credibility, reliability and intimacy in the world can’t fix that all too frequent “out of control” self-orientation.

Whether your work is in consulting, sales or any other profession requiring people skills, consider the possibility that the other individuals sitting at the table are familiar with Charlie’s Trust Equation. They are seeking signs of high self-orientation and it may just be the personality trait that kills the deal. Here’s ten signs to look for:

  1. Focus on the “I” instead of the “We”
  2. Failure to ask (or ask for) questions
  3. Interrupting
  4. Talking more than listening
  5. Lack of transparency
  6. Need for recognition
  7. Taking all the credit
  8. Having a win/lose perspective as opposed to a win/win
  9. Bending the truth
  10. Making excuses

It’s never too late to lower your self-orientation if it’s impeding your ability to succeed. What do you think?

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help responsible organizations build trust. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.


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It’s Week #5 of 2016. This is our latest article in a series of weekly ideas to elevate trust in your organization, drawn from our third annual 2016 Trust Poster, 52 Ideas That You Can Implement to Build Trust.

Doug Conant of Conant Leadership and one of our 2016 Top Thought Leaders in Trust offers this:

Work tirelessly to dispel the illusion that trust is a “soft” skill.

Here are eight research-based reasons for taking Doug’s advice:

Trust Across America’s FACTS® Framework (an ongoing 3-year analysis) shows America’s Most Trustworthy Public Companies more than doubling the outperformance of the S&P 500 over that same period: FACTS 62.4% vs. S&P 29.5% in a live institutional portfolio.

A study by KRW International surveyed employees and CEOs in 84 companies about the character of their leadership teams and compared the results to their financial performance. The average ROA for the S&P 500 ranges from 2 – 3.25%. Character counts and pays off.

From Global Alliance for Banking on Values, (see more on the GABV in the first issue of TRUST! Magazine,) which compared values- based and sustainable banks to their big-bank rivals and found: 7% higher Return on Equity for values-based banks (7.1% ROE compared to 6.6% for big banks).

A 2013 study by Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales called “The Value of Corporate Culture” finds that proclaimed values appear irrelevant. Yet, when employees perceive top managers as trustworthy and ethical, firm’s performance is stronger.

And when trust is ignored or perceived as a soft skill, organizations suffer from the following and much more:

Less than one-third of US workers were engaged in their jobs in 2014, with millenials the least engaged. (Gallup) and this is costing the US economy $450-550 billion a year, which is over 15% of payroll costs. (Gallup, 2013)

The six biggest U.S. banks, led by JP Morgan Chase & Co. and Bank of America Corp. have piled up $103 billion in legal costs since the financial crisis. (Bloomberg, August 2013)

The PR firm Edelman finds in their 2015 “Trust Barometer” that Among the informed public segment of the 33,000-person survey — a group of 700 wealthy, well-educated, well-informed individuals — 57 per cent said they trusted business, down from 59 per cent last year. (Financial Times, January 20, 2015)

The Washington Post reported that “the federal government imposed an estimated $216 billion in regulatory costs on the economy (in 2012), nearly double its previous record.”

Do you still believe trust is a soft skill? Need more proof of the argument that trust is a hard asset?

How many readers took took the advice offered in January in our Weekly series?

Week #1 Kouzes & Posner 

Week #2 Bob Vanourek

Week #3 Barbara Kimmel

Week #4 Mark Fernandes

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help responsible organizations build trust. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.





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Rahm Emanuel, besieged by angry crowds clamoring for his resignation or recall, now admits, “We have a trust problem.” Well, Duh. We think both Chicago and its Mayor have some strong and graphic lessons in trust to share with CEOs, Boards, C-Suites, CCOs, government officials, and even some of the political candidates for our nation’s highest office.

The authors have a particular interest in trust and culture development, and have carefully followed Chicago’s protests for this reason. In any organization (corporation, government agency, city or nation), trust is a precious and highly valued commodity. Trust, like all other elements comprising an organization’s culture, can’t be bought or “delegated” by its leaders, but evolves organically in direct proportion to individuals’ perception of transparency, honesty, fair play and organizational justice. Trust Across America-Trust Around the World (TAA-TAW) has offered some guidance for community leaders seeking to build a culture of trust and transparency that provides a good starting point.

Leaders of any organization always find their words and actions carefully scrutinized by their constituents including employees, voters, and others affected by their leadership. Senior leadership of companies would be well advised to think of their organization’s level of trust as the fluctuating result of the “ripple effect” of leadership’s words and actions at any given point in time. When leadership’s actions match its words, positive ripples of trust occur. Similarly, when leadership’s actions do not match its words, or do not reflect consistent values or transparency, negative ripples result. It’s human nature for employees, voters, and other constituencies to have a natural, basic hunger for organizational justice – the sense that the rules of the organization are fully transparent and apply equally to everyone. Every police force needs its citizenry to feel that its actions are moderated by protocols and rules (consistently applied), and every community hungers for leaders who act with transparency, trustworthiness and a sense of organizational justice.

Experts in the field of organizational trust and ethics often point to the value of organizational justice in successful “layoff” programs by companies faced with a business need to reduce the number of certain groups of employees, whether due to a simple “downsizing” or a corporate merger, consolidation or relocation of company offices. Despite the effects on both those employees that are laid off and the remaining “survivors,” fairness and consistency in the procedure to carry out the layoff program has a notable and positive effect on both parties and the organization. Former RAND expert on organizational justice, Jerald Greenberg, says that such recalls go well where:

  • Management is clear and truthful on the reasons for, and process to be used to implement, the layoff program;
  • The terms of the program are explained accurately in employee communications in advance of the event; and
  • Employees have confidence that the rules have been fairly applied to all.

The layoff case studies confirm one enduring principle of organizational justice: Companies can’t guarantee fair results, but they CAN guarantee that the process will be fairly applied to everyone. This principle of procedural fairness is Exhibit A for the value of truth and candor in employee communications – a key element of any successful culture of trust and ethical leadership.

And here are the lessons we think companies and their leadership can take from Chicago and its embattled Mayor:

  • Leaders who match words to action (“walk the talk”) build trust as ethical leaders and role models.
  • Transparency drives trust and an ethical culture.
  • The cover-up is always worse than the original problem.
  • If there’s a problem, tell it early, tell it all, and tell it yourself.

But let’s be real here. The time it takes to build trust is directly proportional to the frequency and number of positive trust – building interactions combined with attributes like character, competence and consistency. TAA-TAW calls this the “VIP Leadership Model (Values, Integrity and Promises kept).” There is no doubt that Chicago has a trust problem, and from all accounts the roots are deeply embedded in the culture, in both the Mayor’s administration and the police department. In a perfect world all Mayors and their respective administrations would choose to act, visibly and transparently, in a way that encourages trust, but the world is far from perfect. Chicago is simply the latest example of misdirected leadership and politically driven decision-making. There is a better way forward for all organizations, but first, leaders must acknowledge when a problem exists.

If Chicago and its embattled Mayor want to move forward and heal the wounds of the recent controversies, he and his administration must actively work to rebuild trust and credibility as a foundation of an ethical culture and organizational justice.

We would like to hear what you think about Chicago and Rahm Emanuel. You can take our confidential  Trust Quest poll at this link.

Donna Boehme is the Principal of Compliance Strategists LLC, Donna has advised a wide spectrum of private, public, governmental, academic and non-profit entities on organizational compliance and ethics. @DonnaCBoehme

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO of Trust Across America – Trust Around the World whose mission is simply to help organizations build trust. @BarbaraKimmel

This article first appeared in:

The winter issue of TRUST! Magazine

The FCPA Blog

Compliance Strategists Blog

Copyright 2016 Next Decade, Inc.

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It’s almost Week #4 of 2016. This is the fourth article in a series of weekly ideas to elevate trust in your organization, pulled from our third annual 2016 Trust Poster, 52 Ideas That You Can Implement to Build Trust.

This idea is offered by Mark Fernandes. As Chief Leadership Officer at Luck Companies, Mark has been charged with taking its mission of Values Based Leadership (VBL) around the world. @MarkSFernandes

Build cultures of commitment vs. compliance where choices are guided by values not policies.

For leaders, trust and relationships are the means and end of our work. Over the course of my career I’ve found that with them, all things are possible. And much like many other things in work and life, it’s what you do before you do what you do that matters most in building trust and relationships; and ultimately cultures that are guided by values and rich in commitment, vs. those that are guided by policies and steeped in compliance. As such, I would recommend the following:


By definition authenticity means something is genuine or real, and worthy of acceptance or belief. Kouzes and Posner subscribe “people won’t believe in the message until they believe in the messenger.” 


Booker T. Washington said, “few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know you trust him.” 


My version of this is to love your employees to death, give them something to believe in, and obsess every day about them becoming everything they are capable of becoming.


People want to know you are completely there with them, in this moment. Pour yourself into their lives and catch them in the act of doing extraordinary things. 


Employees place their precious lives in our care, tread lightly.


How many readers took took the advice offered in January in our Weekly series?

Week #1 Kouzes & Posner 

Week #2 Bob Vanourek

Week #3 Barbara Kimmel

Ignoring organizational trust is similar to swimming in an ocean with no lifeguards on duty. Do so at your own risk!

Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO & Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help responsible organizations build trust. She facilitates the world’s largest membership program for those interested in the subject. Barbara also serves as editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and the Executive Editor of TRUST! Magazine. In 2012 Barbara was named “One of 25 Women Changing the World” by Good Business International.

Copyright 2016, Next Decade, Inc.




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